Mr. Rendon

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tool # 8

This tool allows teachers to learn how to browse over countless video resourses to plan for a lesson using audio and video and add a wider way to approach several learning styles.
This video will illustrate one way to work in a ESL lesson.

This hot link will show a short video about the Water Cycle from Discovy Education:

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tool # 7

This is a tool that will enhance my students' imagination to create and learn at the same time. I find this tool very fun to use while teaching.

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Tool # 6

This Wikki tool will allow my students to really collaborate in any giving project with the use of technology.
I find this tool very useful since everybody in my grade level team will be able to express/contribute individual opinions and information needed to be collected as a group.

Tool # 5

What an easy way to orgnize all the websites I fequently visit and now I can share with other teachers. I will be able to find resources in a blink of an eye.

Here are 2 new websites I'd like to share:

This one related to Math Manipulatives

And this one related to Reading Games.

Tool # 4

These two tools from google really simplify the collection of ideas and the easy access to reference pages. Students can easily contribute to the final product of a certain writing/science project or any other subject.

Tool # 3

It's incredible how we can manage so many tools to create or modify existing pictures to better communicate ideas to the students.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tool # 2

I think this is a wonderful opportunity to catch up to our students about this new technology of belonging to a web.
I certainly look forward to findnig new ways to deliver instruction in my classroom and being able to share ideas with others to make things better everyday for my students.
What a cool way to be in contact 24/7 with alike people. This is just what I needed to maintain in contact with all teachers who access my blog.

Tool # 1

It was kind of hard at the beggining but once I got more and more into this, things began to flow naturally.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Welcome to this new school year!!!!!

I am very excited about meeting all of my new students to 1st grade.
I am looking forward to knowing each of you at a personal level and being able to provide with all the necessary help to take you through the school year and where you need to be.

I expect this to be a very fun and productive year!!!!

See you soon!!!!!